Katerina Satori

Katerina is an entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, the Founder of the Catalyst Academy, who has created three successful brands in just 3 years.

She’s also Transformational and Business Coach who inspires people to value what they have survived in life as powerful lessons, and turn those lessons, skills, and talents into their legacy – becoming an inspired entrepreneur.

When you hear her story one of the first things that will strike you about Katerina is her willingness to dive in. In her 20s she realized her dream of moving to America; she grew up in Russia but she knew from an early age that it wasn’t really where she felt at home.

She was so strongly attracted to the US that she taught herself English through books, audiotapes and by writing to her pen pals in the US! Even as a child she pursued her dreams with passion and enthusiasm.

Through her audacious pursuit of living in the US Katerina learned a valuable lesson: she believes we are all always guided and provided for. She had $3 to her name when she got to America but by trusting in the process it worked out.

She also learned the value of the second stage of our development: empowerment. The first stage is victimhood, where we believe we are victims of circumstance and our lives are beyond our control.

Katerina could’ve stayed in stage one and felt sorry for herself; she could’ve been upset that she had been born in Russia and not the US where she longed to be. But she didn’t. She evolved to the second stage of development: empowerment.

Katerina’s mission is in teaching people from all around the world what it means to live in the victimhood stage and how we can break through the limiting beliefs, and how doing so will free people to feel empowered and create lives they love. She is most passionate about teaching others about the stage three: enlightenment.

Katerina lives by her five core values:

  • Radical self-acceptance
  • Body self-expression
  • Fearless living
  • Owning your story
  • Standing in your authentic power